You are a customer of POP Telecom and use their services then you may had any problems with their services have in the future. So here we provided complaints number and address of POP Telecom for you.
Complaint department & Corporate office detail
Official Website | |
Complaint number UK | 0343 538 6611 |
Complaint email address | |
Office address | High St., Ingatestone, Essex, CM4 9DW, United Kingdom |
Head office number | 0343 538 6666 |
How to make a complaints for POP Telecom?
All complaints are handled internally by POP Telecom, and here we provide grievance redressal numbers and other information for customers to take their grievances to any regulatory body.
Having said that, POP Telecom takes customer complaints very seriously, and customers should attempt to resolve their concerns with the Customer Service team first. Call the company’s customer service representatives at 0343 538 6666 or send them an email at They will typically address the complaint within the same working day.
Different ways to complaint POP Telecom
Call the POP Telecom complaint line on 0343 538 6611. If you have an any complaint regarding service and other queries.
Here are the second ways to make a compliant via POP Telecom complaint email on –
If you have failed to complaint by number and email, you can may also complaint after through his social media account such as, POP Telecom Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn etc.
Contact via Support Form: Support Form
Corporate Office Address: High Street, Ingatestone, Essex, CM4 9DW, UK
Other Phone and Email
Sales Support
- Phone: 0343 538 6666
- Hours: 7 Days a Week 9am until 6pm
- Email:
Billing Support
- Phone: 0343 538 6611
- Hours: 7 Days a Week 9am until 6pm
- Email:
How can I contact POP Telecom ?
If you searching contact for POP Telecom, so you are on the right place. Because In this article, we have provided a list of POP Telecom technical support numbers. You can call POP Telecom head office phone number 0343 538 6666, given here and solve your queries.
If you would like to make POP Telecom complaint, please contact us via Contact Us page on website.
POP Telecom provides customers with the best possible service. If you haven’t received the service you expected, you have the right to make a complaint.
POP Telecom Opening Hours
Day | Opening Hours | Closing Hours |
Monday | 9.00 am | 6.00 pm |
Tuesday | 9.00 am | 6.00 pm |
Wednesday | 9.00 am | 6.00 pm |
Thursday | 9.00 am | 6.00 pm |
Friday | 9.00 am | 6.00 pm |
Saturday | 9.00 am | 6.00 pm |
Sunday | 9.00 am | 6.00 pm |
About us
POP Telecom is a leading independent provider of low cost telecommunications, tailor made to suit any size business needs, they are trained to the highest standard. It’s a leading telecom offers reliable solutions for phone systems and internet services.
See Also: Livi Complaints Number
Q. How do i cancel pop telecommunication services?
A. Contacting is the easiest way to cancel subscription. Thier live chat hours are Monday-Sunday 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM, so make sure you reach out with at least 30 days notice prior. Your direct debit may result in extra charges added onto your final invoice though so they recommend contact first before taking any other action.
Q. What type of broadband does POP telecom offer?
A. POP telecommunication offer all broadband services from the Standard ADSL broadband with an average speed of 11Mpbs all the way up to the Ultrafast Full Fibre with blistering speeds of up to 1000Mbps.
Q. To whom do I complain for telecom services issue?
A. At POP telecommunication, delivering excellent service is the number one priority. You can help us reach that goal by letting us know if something isn’t quite right, just email sent and they will be in contact within 72 hours to get things sorted out.