If you are a regular customer of McAfee and use their services or products then you may had any problems with their services or could have in the future. So here we provided complaints number and address of McAfee for you. Which allows you to solve your problem or any of your questions?
Complaint department & Corporate office detail
Official Website | mcafee.com |
Complaint number UK | 0800 050 2090 |
Complaint email address | media@mcafee.com |
Office address | 124 Baker Street, London, W1U 6TY, United Kingdom |
Head office number | 0800 050 2090 |
How To Make a Complaint Process for McAfee?
All complaints are handled internally by McAfee, and here we provide grievance redressal numbers and other information for customers to take their grievances to any regulatory body.
Having said that, McAfee takes customer complaints very seriously, and customers should attempt to resolve their concerns with the Customer Service team first. Call the company’s customer service representatives at 0800 050 2090 or send them an email at media@mcafee.com. They will typically address the complaint within the same working day.
Different ways to complaint McAfee
Phone Support
To begin, you can contact McAfee support via phone number. Dial the dedicated McAfee Support Number for the UK 0800 050 2090.
Which will guide you to select the appropriate support option. This may include product activation, technical issues, or billing inquiries. Once you’ve selected the relevant option, you’ll be connected to a McAfee representative.
Live Chat
- McAfee also offers a convenient live chat support option.
- Visit the official McAfee website at mcafee.com.
- Look for the Support or Contact Us section on the website.
- Choose the live chat option, and you’ll be connected with a McAfee support agent in real-time.
Email Support
For non-urgent issues or if you prefer written communication, you can reach out to McAfee via email, compose an email detailing your problem and send it to support@mcafee.com.
Social Media
If you have failed to complaint by phone number and email, you can may also complaint after through his social media account such as, McAfee Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn etc.
Contact via Support Form: Support Form
Corporate Office Address: 124 Baker Street, London, W1U 6TY, United Kingdom
Headquarters Email: support@mcafee.com
How can I contact McAfee ?
If you searching contact for McAfee, so you are on the right place. Because In this article, we have provided a list of McAfee technical support numbers. You can call McAfee Customer Support 0800 050 2090 Phone given here and solve your queries.
If you would like to make McAfee complaint, please contact us via Contact Us page on website.
McAfee provides customers with the best possible service. If you haven’t received the service you expected, you have the right to make a complaint.
McAfee Opening Hours
Day | Opening Hours | Closing Hours |
Monday | 9.00 AM | 5.00 PM |
Tuesday | 9.00 AM | 5.00 PM |
Wednesday | 9.00 AM | 5.00 PM |
Thursday | 9.00 AM | 5.00 PM |
Friday | 9.00 AM | 5.00 PM |
Saturday | Closed | |
Sunday | Closed |
About us
McAfee is today a leading computer security company tracking emerging threats and protecting consumers from identity theft, phishing scams, spyware, malicious websites or other threats. The McAfee company employs some worldwide and mobile security solutions protect customers by safeguarding devices such as smartphones, tablets and corporate networks.
See Also: Motorpoint complaints
Q. How can I find McAfee Contact Number UK?
A. If you would like to make McAfee complaint, please contact us via Contact Us page on website. McAfee provides customers with the best possible service. If you haven’t received the service you expected, you have the right to make a complaint.
Q. How do I get a refund from McAfee?
Please follow the here steps to get a refund from McAfee, You need a payment reference number or transaction number. You need to disable the automatic renewal option in your account, if you need instant help, Call 0800 050 2090.
Q. How to change or cancel mcafee auto renewal?
- Go to myaccount.mcafee.com.
- Type in your registered email address and password.
- Click Sign in.
- Click the Auto-renewal tile.
- Under Auto-Renewal Membership, click End auto-renewal.
- Click End auto-renewal on the next screen, if you change your mind, click Keep auto-renewal.
- Optionally, tell in detail why you’re turning off auto-renewal, then click End auto-renewal.