You are a customer of Allied Westminster and use their services then you may had any problems with their services have in the future. So here we provided complaints number and address of Allied Westminster for you.
Complaint department & Corporate office detail
Official Website | |
Complaint number UK | 01937 845245 |
Complaint email address | |
Office address | Allied House, Holgate Ln, Boston Spa, West Yorkshire, LS23 6BN, UK |
Head office number | 01937 845245 |
How to make a complaints for Allied Westminster?
All complaints are handled internally by Allied Westminster, and here we provide grievance redressal numbers and other information for customers to take their grievances to any regulatory body.
Having said that, Allied Westminster takes customer complaints very seriously, and customers should attempt to resolve their concerns with the Customer Service team first. Call the company’s customer service representatives at 01937 845245 or send them an email at They will typically address the complaint within the same working day.
Different ways to complaint Allied Westminster
Call the Allied Westminster complaint line on 01937 845245. If you have an any complaint regarding service and other queries.
Here are the second ways to make a compliant via Allied Westminster complaint email on –
If you have failed to complaint by number and email, you can may also complaint after through his social media account such as, Allied Westminster Facebook page, Twitter and LinkedIn etc.
Contact via Support Form: Support Form
Corporate Office Address: Allied House, Holgate Ln, Boston Spa, West Yorkshire, LS23 6BN, UK
How can I contact Allied Westminster ?
If you searching contact for Allied Westminster, so you are on the right place. Because In this article, we have provided a list of Allied Westminster technical support numbers. You can call Allied Westminster head office 01937 845245 phone given here and solve your queries.
If you would like to make Allied Westminster complaint, please contact us via Contact Us page on website.
Allied Westminster provides customers with the best possible service. If you haven’t received the service you expected, you have the right to make a complaint.
Allied Westminster Opening Hours
Day | Opening Hours | Closing Hours |
Monday | 9.00 am | 5.00 pm |
Tuesday | 9.00 am | 5.00 pm |
Wednesday | 9.00 am | 5.00 pm |
Thursday | 9.00 am | 5.00 pm |
Friday | 9.00 am | 5.00 pm |
Saturday | Closed | |
Sunday | Closed |
About us
Allied Westminster is a financially robust, growing, and successful business, and it’s over many years it has been a pioneer in the design of specialist insurance management software and customer management systems and in the integration of geographical information systems.
Allied Westminster was founded in 1989, focused on village and rural community insurance. By isolating village and rural community risks from urban and suburban risk profiles, underwriters can provide more competitive premiums.
See Also: Ray-Ban Complaints Number
Q. How to contact allied westminster financial ombudsman ?
A. If you cannot settle your complaint with us, you may be entitled to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service:
- In writing: Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR
- By phone: 0300 123 9123 (charged at a national rate) or 0800 023 4567 (free from landlines).
- By e-mail: